As non-black people of color, we are speaking from a unique position of privilege. The ability to absolve oneself from feeling and being complicit in anti-black violence by asserting “I'm also a victim of racism” is certainly not a solution here. Neither is asserting you "understand" the scope or impact of violence inflicted on Black communities. Instead let's use our platform to be allies.
While the murder of Floyd occurred in Minneapolis, the racism intrinsic to the police system infiltrates even precincts in your district. Acts of police violence and brutality committed on innocent, unarmed black people are all too common and we need your support to help create a safer community one district at a time.
Letters for Action is an initiative which aims to streamline the process of letter writing for allies in support of the black community, the messages of black activists, and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Our platform strives to add convenience to the letter writing process by providing templates, designating stakeholders to receive letters, and eliminating the middle step of having to send the letter yourself.
This platform provides a tool for advocates who self-identify as non-black people of color. Working to be actively anti-racist is a challenging, ongoing journey, and we seek to be a step in this much needed transformation.
Being actively anti-racist is a constant learning process and commitment to self and societal improvement that we must never stop. Above all, we are looking to improve the content we are putting forward for others.
Please reach out to us if you have any suggestions to improve our work or are looking to create new letter writing templates. Looking forward to working with you!
For transparency purposes: Our team is comprised of Arushi Lahiri, Aditi Chatradhi, and Vedya Spurthi Konda; alumni of the Mitty Advocacy Project and current college students.
We hope that our website can help you on your lifelong work towards being actively anti-racist.